Banana bread

Banana bread

Banana bread

Banana bread is known by many and there are tons of different recipes!! I have been experimenting with baking banana bread for a long time and I’ve ended up with this recipe and I always have this banana bread in my fridge, so I make it a few times every week 🙈 

This banana bread is actually a very important part of my diet – especially in my race season! I always eat it as a pre-race snack 2 hours before race start and in training I like it as a post effort snack! It contains good carbohydrates and it’s just a nice reward after some suffering. 

I wanted to create a recipe that is gluten-free and more healthy without refined sugar and dairy free. But it still need to be sweet, and have the right texture. 

The buckwheat flour is gluten-free but it gives the airy texture I want it to have. 

The sweetener comes from the dates and of course the bananas – the more ripe the bananas are, the better!! 

I have spiced up this banana bread with cinnamon and cardamom, since I really love spices, but it is optional, so if you prefer the pure banana flavor, then you just exclude the spices. But I do recommend you to try it with the spices 😋

This banana bread is very easy to make, since you use a blender for most of it. But it’s very important that you don’t put the flour in the blender. It’s only the bananas, dates and eggs that needs to be blended together. 

Give it a try and I would love to hear about it! And if you have any questions, just ask – I will answer as soon as possible. 


  • 4 ripe bananas (depending on the size – if they are small, then use 5)
  • 150 gr. dates without stones
  • 4 large eggs
  • 2 dl buckwheat flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp cardamom


1. Turn on the oven at 210 degrees conventional oven.

2. Start with blending the Bananas and eggs and then add the dates in the blender

3. Flour, salt and spices are mixed in a bowl.

4. Mix the flour mixture with the banana pulp with a whisk.

5. Pour the dough into a loaf tin covered with baking paper.

6. Bake for approx. 30 min in the preheated oven. Remember that ovens are different, so you might start with 25 min and keep an eye on it. Plug in the cake to see if it is baked. (I use a thin knitting needle.)

7. Cool it down a bit, and eat it freshly baked. Store the rest in the refrigerator.

You can melt some dark chocolate and put it on the baked banana bread.

6 replies on “Banana bread”

Hej Fie
Er det muligt at erstatte boghvedemel med mandelmel, eller tror du det vil gøre brødet mere klistret i konsistensen, ved godt at jeg bare kunne bruge hvedemel, men vil gerne finde et alternativ til dette.

Mvh. Mille

Hej Mille,

Du kan godt erstatte noget af det med mandelmel, men vil dog bruge noget andet også. Jeg har før prøvet med havremel, men personligt synes jeg den bliver for kompakt og klæg.
Hvis du vælger at bruge noget andet end boghvede, vil jeg meget gerne hører om resultatet 😊

Bedste hilsner,

Hej Fie – super lækker kage – Jeg prøvede med 1/2 boghvedemel og 1/2 kastanjemel – stadig let og lækker.

Hej Leif,
Glad for at høre du kunne lide den!
Det må jeg hellere prøve! Har aldrig lavet noget med kastanjemel, men det vil jeg helt sikkert afprøve 😊 tak for din besked!

Hej Fie
Jeg har forsøgt at tilføje revet appelsinskal og saften fra denne til opskriften. Det komplimenterer meget godt de andre ting og smager godt. Dejen bliver lidt mere lind, så jeg bagte den bare lidt længere tid
Bare et tip 🙂

Tak for god opskrift til en pre/post workout snack

Hej Thomas,

Tak for din besked!
Uh, det lyder lækkert – det må jeg prøve 😋 tak for tippet!

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